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OVR Wellness Experience (Unity)


February 2021 - Present

Team Size: 8

UI/UX Designer

OVR Wellness Experience is a health and wellness meditation experience in VR. Where the user will be put into a VR headset and guided through a meditation application. What makes our application different is the integration of OVR in our experience. OVR is a cutting-edge smell technology in VR that allows us to create an incredibly immersive environment. Users are able to not only see and hear things in a VR setting but also smell them too. 
With the end goal of having our application be ready for a study being conducted by two doctors helping us create this experience. This will be done by having a large number of students go through this application alongside an only audio control group. With the ending finding of hopefully proving the helpfulness of a VR meditation app using smell.

All coding and art was not done by me but my teammates

Level Layout:

One of my focuses was on the level blockout for the scene below. I had hoped to encourage a calming and soothing environment for the user. To help encourage the health and wellness mindset.

This was achieved with lots of cross-disciplinary work with myself and our team Phycology specialist. Who helped guide me on designing this project, so that we never strayed too far away from the goal of creating a useful meditation application.

Overall Experience:

From getting into, throughout, and getting out of the experience I was in charge of making the design decisions that would best help the project. This can be seen below with the events the user will be doing throughout the experience. 

These are just some experiences that we have had so far. Such as the top gif which shows off our orb experience. Where the user gets a moment to focus on their stressor represented with orbs. As they are guided through a breathing exercise before throwing the stress away. 
Along with smooth transitions between scenes. As we need to move the user in a calm relaxing way, I decided to cause a dissolving-like effect on all objects in a starting room. This is to help immerse the user into feeling like they are escaping to a dreamscape-like world. Along with allowing us to have a larger environment without overwhelming the user right as they get into the experience.


Producer: Abraham (Bram) van Overbeeke-Costello 

Psychologist/Designer: Reid Anctil

Lead Artist: Jack Tenda

Artist: Katherine Townsend

Lead Programmer: Olli Machina

Programmer: Michael Bowen

Programmer: Jake Seide



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